ICAHD UK supporters were amongst the 200,000 participants in the national demonstration in London on Saturday, 30th March in support of Palestine. Demonstrators called for a ceasefire now, Israel to stop the genocide in Gaza and for a free Palestine.
The day was significant because 30th March is Palestine Land Day. On that day in 1976, the Israeli police shot and killed six Palestinian citizens of Israel as they were protesting Israel’s confiscation of thousands of acres of Palestinian private and communal land within the state of Israel. A strike was organised and marches took place from the Galilee to the Negev. Confrontations broke out resulting in the death of Palestinians and with hundreds of others injured or arrested after coming under attack by Israeli security forces.
Land Day emphasises Palestinian resistance to Israel’s colonisation as they hold fast to sumud, their steadfastness. This year there was the added dimension as we stood in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza as they seek to remain on their land during this time of genocide, not forgetting the slow genocide that is happening in West Bank.
ICAHD UK’s director was interviewed by Al Jazeera for a report that went out live from London.
Here we present a few images from Saturday and two short videos clips of Jeremy Corbyn speaking on the platform in Trafalgar Square.
Two short videos of Jeremy Corbyn addressing the crowds in Trafalgar Square.
National Ceasefire Now Demo - Saturday 30 March