Posted on February 22, 2022, by & filed under News, Study Tours.

Since 1997 ICAHD has provided:

  • Top-quality political tours

  • Knowledgeable guides

  • A grounded approach to the Occupation and settler colonialism

  • Insight into the difficulties of Palestinian life (insight into the injustice, discrimination and system of apartheid Palestinians live under and deal with on a daily basis)


ICAHD’s half-day tours are designed for those who are travelling independently or are on a group visit to Palestine/Israel. Tens of thousands of people from around the world have already connected to us this way. Schedule a half-day tour with one of our expert guides to receive ICAHD’s analysis as you witness Israel’s Matrix of Control over the Palestinian people.

We offer half day tours as detailed on this page, and extended study tours - details of which are available here.

On our tours you will see how Israel’s settlement project has created irreversible “facts on the ground”. You will better appreciate what a truly just and lasting peace would entail. ICAHD believes that first-hand learning is the only way to grasp the social, cultural, political, and historical issues that underlie the Israeli-Palestinan conflict.

ICAHD tour guides provide tours in English and Hebrew.

For groups of at least 3 participants, we arrange a tailor-made tour and transport, if needed. Individuals are also encouraged to contact us, we will do our best to fit you in one of our tours.

Our Half Day Tours

East Jerusalem

The tour of East Jerusalem begins with an in-depth briefing about the historical and political background of the area. We then drive through Palestinian neighbourhoods such as Jabel al Mukabbir, Silwan, Sheikh Jarrah and Ras al'Amud to witness first-hand the reality of the Israeli settlements, all illegal under international law, that have been established in occupied East Jerusalem. Participants witness the disparity of services provided for the Palestinians compared to the quality of life enjoyed by the illegal Jewish settlers and the conflict arising from Israel’s settlement policy is discussed. Participants see the ruins of demolished Palestinian homes, the eight-metre high Separation Wall that divides Palestinian neighbourhoods, and the new Israeli highways that connect the settlements. Subjects such as education and the shortage of classrooms, systematic arrests, family reunification challenges, zoning and planning discrimination and other important issues are presented to bring understanding about why life is increasingly difficult for the more than 300,000 Palestinians squeezed in to the small area of land available for them in East Jerusalem.Length of tour: 3 hours Contact us

Greater Jerusalem Tour – ‘Matrix of Control’

The ‘Matrix of Control’ tour of Greater Jerusalem presents a critical Israeli view of the Occupation and Israel’s long-term policies and political intentions. The tour exposes the conflict that is so clearly embodied in the Israeli Zionist concept of 'Greater Jerusalem' created when the post-1967 government officials and army bureaucrats expanded Jerusalem’s municipality borders to include as much agricultural and ‘open land’ as possible while leaving out the Palestinian towns and villages that rely on the land for their income and livelihood.The ‘Matrix of Control’ tour begins with the East Jerusalem tour, and ventures out to explore the Greater Jerusalem area around the city; we pass by Pisgat Ze’ev, the largest residential neighborhood in Jerusalem with a population of about 45,000, we see the Israeli-made enclave of the Palestinian neighbourhoods Anata-Shu'fat Refugee Camp, as we take Highway No.1 to the illegal settlement-city of Ma'ale Adumim, with a population of almost 40,000, it is part of the third largest settlement block in the West Bank.  Set in the Judean Desert it boasts Olympic-sized swimming pools, a water park and an irrigation system where lawns are kept green and flower beds explode with colour even in the height of the summer while the deprived Bedouin communities in the valleys below suffer from water shortages. Learn about the continued expropriation of land, the threat of forced displacement to the Bedouin communities and plans for Israeli development of this land area referred to as E1 which will connect Ma'ale Adumim to Jerusalem. An explanation is given about the historical and political significance of Judaizing the West Bank in order to forestall any viable Palestinian state.

* The tour may also include the settlement of Har-Homa/Gil

Length of tour: 4 hours Contact us