Join ICAHD UK, an organisation launched in 2004 in the British Parliament, that continues to ‘punch above its weight’. Our analysis is based on international law and universal human rights. We offer unique activism through our involvement in extensive networks and our direct connection to ICAHD’s campaigning history.


Supports critical Israeli Jewish voices who believe that:

  • Israel is a settler colonial Zionist enterprise
  • Israel has implemented apartheid policies over all Palestinians whether living in the Occupied Palestinian Territory or within Israel
  • Israel must be called to account for its genocidal policies against all Palestinians

We back BDS (boycotts, divestment and sanctions) until Israel abides by international law.

We promote the Palestinian-led One Democratic State Campaign  as the only practical way to a just and sustainable peace for all the people of Palestine/Israel.

ICAHD UK is a member of the European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP).

For twenty-seven years, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), co-founded and directed by Jeff Halper, has been on the cutting edge in providing political analysis about the reality on the ground. Its views are sought out by the media, diplomats, politicians, peace activists and religious bodies.

ICAHD’s focus for mobilization is the demolition of Palestinian homes and other structures vital for living in the Occupied Palestine Territory and of Palestinian structures within the state of Israel.

As a political NGO we are not eligible for charitable status, therefore raising funds to continue our important work remains a constant challenge.

With members’ subscriptions, we gain the regular income we need to plan our work effectively.


Members are the lifeblood of our advocacy work and campaigning.

How to Join Us


1  Set up a Standing Order. This is the preferred method of payment. Please download and complete this form (Download here) and email the completed form to or post it to ICAHD UK, BM ICAHD UK, London WC1N 3XX.

If payment by Standing Order is not possible, the following methods can be used

2  Pay by Debit or Credit Card. You can set up regular (monthly or annual) payments via debit or credit card by completing this form below. Payments are securely processed using the Stripe payment system.


You have chosen to donate £10 monthly.

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Donation Total: £10 Monthly

3.  By Cheque. We can also accept payment by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to ICAHD UK and posted, along with the completed form (Download here), to ICAHD UK, BM ICAHD UK, London WC1N 3XX

As a member, you will

  • Support an influential organisation that works on the cutting-edge including on the ground in Palestine/Israel
  • Receive news and information about events, campaigns, and the current situation in Palestine/Israel
  • Have access to exclusive members’ events and resources
  • Receive a discount for ICAHD UK conferences and events
  • Have the opportunity to represent ICAHD UK in your region

Donations are always welcome from individuals, community groups, religious groups…remember us for legacies…