Read about some other locations visited during this tour

Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Naqab/Negev, Ramallah and the Jordan Valley

Photo: Plaza at the entrance to Hebron’s Old City


The study tour spent a morning in Hebron and was guided by Hisham Sharabati, a local activist who provided a description of life in H2, the part which is under Israeli military control and Palestinian civil control. Between 800 – 1000 extreme right-wing settlers live in H2, to be near the Tomb of the Patriarchs where part of it is a Jewish synagogue with the other part being the Ibrahimi Mosque. Since 7th October, the 6000 Palestinians who live in H2 have been under severe movement restrictions. For the first two weeks, they were not permitted to leave home but nowadays they can get out and about between 7am – 7pm.

The tour group walked through the Old City where they saw much barbed wire fencing and obstructions to movement blocking off areas. Installed overhead was fencing to protect Palestinians in the market from being hit by debris thrown down on them from the settlers who live above the market. Only a few shops were open, and the tour participants gave them some much-needed business

Photo: Closures, surveillance & barbed wire

Photo: Shops closed in Hebron’s Old City

Photo: Netting over Hebron’s Old City market