We’ve pulled together a range of films and video clips that feature the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolition’s analysis of Israel’s settler colonialism, and the situation facing Palestinian people and their Israeli and international supporters. Please do watch and share with other audiences.

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Reservoir Raiders (Part of the Earth Report television series)

This video, by Bruno Sorrentino, shows how controlling who has access to natural resources is as much a feature of Israeli apartheid against Palestinians as bullets and bombs. From 2000 but still relevant today.

Watch the video here


Resisting the Occupation on the Ground

ICAHD's iconic film on understanding Israel's policy on Palestinian home demolitions

Watch the video here

"War in the Holy Land" - A Presentation by Jeff Halper

Recording of a meeting at the First Presbyterian Church, Tecumseh, Michigan on 7 Octoer 2022 featuring Jeff Halper. The meeting was part of a series 'A Courageous Conversation with...' hosted by the church as part of Jeff's October 2022 speaking tour of the United States.

Watch the video here

'Towards a Democratic State in Palestine/Israel: It's time to get political'

Recording of a meeting held at SOAS, London in September 2022 during which Jeff Halper, Haim Bresheeth and Ghada Karmi, members of the One Democratic State Campaign, presented the campaign which is based upon the original and just PLO positions, which is a similar position to the one taken by the ANC in Apartheid South Africa. One country, one citizenship, one parliament and one shared civil society, in which the cultural, ethnic and religious identities of all the country’s peoples also find expression. What would such a state look like? Can de-colonizing Israel work?

Watch the video here

Animation Showing Demolitions in West Bank and Naqab Desert During 2021

ICAHD video documenting each demolition in the West Bank or the Naqab during 2021.

Watch the video here

Animation showing demolitions in Jerusalem from 2004 to 2021

ICAHD video illustrating demolitions in the Jerusalem area between 2004 and 2021.

Watch the video here


The UK’s largest children's charity the National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) insists on accepting money from JCB, a company that has been shown in numerous reports to be complicit in human rights violations in Palestine/Israel, with over £5 million having been donated to date.

Graphic footage of JCB equipment demolishing Palestinian property was projected onto a wall next to the NSPCC’s office in central London. Find out more about this campaign.

Watch the video here

ICAHD UK - London wall projection about JCB bulldozers

Shocking pictures and film footage of JCB bulldozers demolishing Palestinian property were projected onto a wall at a central London building site on 25th November 2021.

The projection drew attention of passers-by to JCB’s complicity in war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory where homes, farms, water infrastructure, and orchards are routinely destroyed.

Find out more about the projection here.

Watch the video with English slides here - Watch the video with Arabic slides here

Israel uses JCB equipment to demolish a house, a well, and agricultural facilities, south of Hebron

Video of demolition during August 2021

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Jeff Halper’s appeal for book translation

Jeff Halper, the Director of ICAHD, describes the importance of translating his important book 'Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine' from English into Arabic.

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One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel - It's Time

Jeff Halper outlines the One Democratic State Campaign

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Broken Homes, Broken Families: supporting families whose homes have been demolished

The last UK Palestine Mental Health Network Café Palestine of 2020 focused on the destruction of people’s homes that so epitomise the brutal nature of Israel’s control of Palestine and its people. We welcomed Remal Salah and Dima Tadros from the Palestine Councelling Centre to discuss the support they provide to families who have experienced this unimaginable assault. The meeting was chaired by Linda Ramsden, Director of ICAHD-UK.

Watch the video with here