Jeff Halper’s book "Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine: Zionism, Settler Colonialism and the Case for One Democratic State," originally published by Pluto Press in London, has now come out in Arabic, translated by Rania Filfil and Ata Qaymari, and already is in great demand amongst Palestinians.
The book sets out the well-thought-out political plan of the One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC). As Jeff says, “While the book is based on the political program of the Palestinian-led One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC), of which I am a member, it does not represent the organization. It couldn't. Not only is there robust debate among Palestinians over their vision of the future, but the book was written by an Israeli Jew, albeit an anti-colonial one. Still, that perspective is important since any political solution will have to grapple with the complex bi-national reality that characterizes Palestine today, painful as that may be for those who aspire to the total liberation of Palestine.”
A sample of the book reviews include:
"I see this book as a starting point for discussion that leads to a truly holistic alternative, rather than the existing situation plagued by injustice." Nadia Nasser Al-Najjab, Researcher at the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Exeter University
"One of the best intellectual contributions to shaping the way for dismantling the colonial project in Palestine and establishing a democratic state between the River and the Sea." Awad Abdelfattah, a Palestinian leader, journalist and Coordinator of the One Democratic State Campaign.
"A powerful and compelling contribution to the fight for the dismantling of the colonial apartheid system." Ilan Pappe