Learn about the campaign through these recordings
Watch a Recording of a Joint Meeting with UK Parliamentarians hosted by Stop the JNF and Partners
The Sumarin Family and Ethnic Cleansing in East Jerusalem - 27 October 2020
ICAHD UK is playing a prominent role in the campaign that calls on the Jewish National Fund not to evict the Sumarin family from their home in East Jerusalem. This next step provided a meeting with MPs and their researchers so that they could engage directly with some of the key players.
Watch a recording of this Webinar via this link.
Watch this three-minute film to learn about the family.
KKL-JNF has become a settler fund which has exploited legal methods to displace Palestinian families from their homes to hand them over to settlers. In this case Israel has used the Absentee Property Law based on what Peace Now describes as questionable evidence and which the Sumarin Coalition describes as using a draconian application which is biased against Palestinians. The KKL-JNF has been desiring this property for nearly 30 years and even after losing a previous court case, the KKL-JNF is not letting go.
Write to the KKL-JNF
Write to the KKL-JNF stating that this is an act of abject cruelty and it should renounce all claims to the property, cease legal proceedings against the family and let the family live in peace and safety in their own home. Nearly 3000 people have written to the JNF via this link and with more than 7000 messages sent from the Jewish Voice for Peace site in the US. Continue to flood the JNF staff with messages expressing our outrage about this eviction and which damages the reputation of the JNF.
Fifty-three years ago, the Israeli government unilaterally annexed East Jerusalem in violation of international law. The Sumarin family’s struggle to stay in their home is yet another example of what displacement looks like and which has already been experienced by other Palestinians not only in East Jerusalem but also in the West Bank. The KKL-JNF also operates within the state of Israel and is active in displacing Palestinians from the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev. If the Israeli government proceeds to formally annex great swathes of the West Bank, even more Palestinians will be pushed off their land and for many, Israel will use the Absentee Property Law to accomplish this.
At present the global coronavirus pandemic remains with us. For most people, their home is their place of safety and security. For Palestinians this is not the case as even now the KKL-JNF seeks to displace families.
Ask Your MP to Support Early Day Motion #529
Ask Your MP to support Early Day Motion #529. It is vital that you ask your MP to support Parliamentary Early Day Motion #529. Israeli Supreme Court rulings against Palestinians have not been consistent with international law and the 4th Geneva Convention. Therefore our Government has a duty to hold Israel to account.
That this House strongly condemns the ongoing attempts of the Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) to evict the Sumarin family from their home in East Jerusalem; recognises this within a broader context of the Israeli government’s efforts to demographically alter the population of Jerusalem, and the controversial use of Israel’s Absentee Property Law to dispossess Palestinians of their land; notes the Sumarin family have lived at their property, with deeds of ownership, for over fifty years; reiterates that ethnic cleansing is one of the most serious crimes, and that the UK is committed to upholding international law; urgently requests the Government to intervene on behalf of the Sumarin family, and calls on the Charity Commission to review the charitable status of JNF UK.
Further details of the Early Day Motion may be found here.
You can use the sample letter here which was updated on 22 September following the BBC revelation.
You can find your MP here.