Postponed Due to Covid-19 Pandemic
Internationals who are participating in the Extended Study Tour from 2 – 12 November 2020, are invited to extend their stay to do something “hands-on”. Please consider returning to the South Hebron Hills, an area visited during the study tour, for between two to five days to stand alongside Palestinians and Israelis who refuse to be enemies by helping to rebuild a one-room home for a young family. Their original home was demolished three times in 2016 by the Israeli authorities because it did not have a building permit, however the demolition was a violation of the 4th Geneva Convention. Only around 1% of Palestinians located in Area C of the West Bank who apply for a building permit are ever granted one despite the rapid construction of settlements in Area C which is illegal under international law. Since the family’s home was demolished, they have been living in a small, basic tin structure which is intolerably hot in the summer and cold and damp in the winter. The plan is to build a 36 square metre home using insulating blocks to provide a more comfortable, secure home for the family. This will then enable them to remain on land owned by their extended family, in their community in the South Hebron Hills.
The study tour will provide the educational backdrop for understanding the reality created by Israel’s settler colonial movement which continues to displace the indigenous population from their land. The rebuilding camp will provide an opportunity to further demonstrate your solidarity with Palestinians in this practical action. Participants will work alongside ICAHD activists and Palestinians represented by the Good Shepherd Collective.
Campers will stay in the village in a guest house furnished with bunk beds. Amenities will be basic, but participants will be provided with three meals per day with locally made traditional Bedouin food and what we know will be truly memorable hospitality. The first two days will focus on constructing the walls of the home. While the cement sets, participants will learn about other aspects of life and how the Good Shepherd Collective (GSC) addresses structural oppression that leads to violence and organises grassroots campaigns to bring change. Its other activities focus on keeping cultural heritage and traditions alive. During the final part of the camp, the windows and doors will be installed, walls painted, and floor tiles put down.
The aim of thecamp is to allow internationals to participate in this powerful act ofnon-violent resistance. The cost of the rebuilding materials is happening through ICAHD’s support chapters in the UK, Finland, Germany and the USA. Since its founding in 1997, ICAHD has constructed 189 homes, therefore it comes
with extensive experience.
All participants are responsible for arranging their transportation from the campsite to Ben Gurion Airport for return flight home and advice will be given. Public transportation is available formost of that journey.
You will be living in an area of conflict and engaging in activities to resist the Israeli Occupation. The Israeli authorities could disrupt our building activities, though we will not confront them.We will be guests of the local community, and during the 15 previous rebuilding camps facilitated by ICAHD, no one has ever been injured or arrested.
People from the ages of 18 to 82 have participated in ICAHD camps. There are no specific requirements and you can work as hard as you choose.
You will need to take out private insurance for travel &medical coverage, as you are doing for participation in the study tour. A separateWaiver Form prepared by ICAHD will need to be completed.
Write to to indicate your intension to join the camp following the November study tour and indicate whether you will commit to Option 1 or 2.
To learnmore about the Good Shepherd Collective see