Posted on April 23, 2018, by & filed under News.

Following his successful run of talks in March in Scotland and northern England Jeff Halper is back for a second 2018 tour, covering central and southern England. Jeff will speak in Canterbury, Cheltenham, Bristol, Bradford-on-Avon, Bath and Hastings. He will also be a main speaker at ICAHD UK’s 2018 Conference on 19 May in London.



Sat 19 May – London

Hosted by ICAHD UK.

Jeff will be a main speaker at the conference and take part at panels.

For tickets for the conference click here: General public – £25 / ICAHD UK Members – £20 / Unwaged £15


Mon 21 May  – Canterbury

 Hosted by East Kent Justice for Palestinians Group

7:30pm St Paul’s Church, Church Street, Canterbury CT1 1NH

Mo admission charge, collection at the end.


Tue 22 May  – Cheltenham

7:45pm, Christchurch Cheltenham, Malvern Road GL50 2JH.

No entry fee; Collection at the end.


23 May – Bristol

Hosted by Kairos Bristol

7pm – Jeff’s talk +Q&A Trinity-Henleaze United Reformed Church, Waterford Road, Henleaze, Bristol, BS9 4BT.



Thur 24 May – Bradford-on-Avon

Hosted by  Bradford-on-Avon Friends of Palestine.

7 for 7.30 pm, United Church St Margaret’s St, B-on-Avon BA15 1DD

£5, tickets at door. A Collection FOR icahd will be held after the talk.


Fri 25 May – Bath

Hosted by Bath Friends of Palestine.
7pm – 9pm Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution, 16-18 Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HN,

Tickets £5 (students £3) here


Saturday 26 May – Hastings

Hosted by Hastings Palestine Solidarity Campaign
White Rock Hotel, White Rock, Hastings TN34 1JU

No entry fee, a collection for ICAHD at the end.

Light refreshments.



Jeff Halper, ICAHD founder, Member of the One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC) Coordinating Committee

In this powerpoint presentation, Jeff Halper argues that the Matrix of Control which Israel has laid over the Occupied Territory has effectively eliminated the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian “conflict” and has produced instead a regime of apartheid. Faced with apartheid and the permanent warehousing of the Palestinians, he goes on to outline the only just solution that Israel has left us with: a single constitutional democracy: one country, one citizenship, one parliament and one shared civil society in which its people’s collective rights are also protected. Halper explores in depth how such a solution would work and what we need to do to reach it.

Jeff Halper is an Israeli anthropologist and Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). He has worked as a community worker for the Jerusalem municipality in the working-class Mizrahi (Middle Eastern) Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem. Having done research among the Jews of Ethiopia in the 1960s, he served as the Chairman of the Israeli Committee for Ethiopian Jews.

Prof. Halper served as the head of Friends World College, an international college program, and has taught at universities in Israel, the US, Latin America and Africa. In addition to his many academic and political writings, he is the author of An Israeli in Palestine (London: Pluto Press, 2008) on his work against the Occupation and Obstacles to Peace, a manual for activism in Palestine/Israel. His most recent book is War Amongst the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification (Pluto, 2015), which was shortlisted for the Palestine Book Award.

Jeff participated in the first (and successful) attempt of the Free Gaza Movement to break the Israeli siege by sailing into Gaza. He serves on international support committee of the Bertrand Russell Tribunal on Palestine, and was nominated by the American Friends Service Committee for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, together with the Palestinian intellectual and activist Ghassan Andoni.

Jeff and ICAHD are currently involved in a joint Palestinian-Israeli grassroots initiative – the One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC) – to formulate a political settlement based on the creation of one democratic state.