ICAHD UK’s 2017 spring conference on Saturday, 13th May 2017 will address the fast-changing reality with US President Donald Trump’s blatant support of Israel, including the status of Israel’s settlements, his plan to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and his overall disregard of international law. More information
We hope that you are able to join us. You will hear a diverse range of speakers, including Robert Cohen, Ben Jamal, Linda Ramsden, Ardi Imseis & Jeff Halper.
ICAHD UK Conference
WHEN: Saturday 13 May 2017
WHERE: London
DETAILS: How Do We Advance the Palestine Issue in the Age of Trump & May?
Download ICAHD UK conference booking form
If you would like to attend please email info@icahduk.org and just turn up and pay on the day. Thank you.