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War Against the People

‘War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification’

– By Jeff Halper, released September 2015 by Pluto Books.

Following the sold out previews at Greenbelt festival this summer, we are delighted to announce Jeff Halper’s official book launch and UK tour. Jeff’s tour will take him to 14 cities, and we hope there is one near you!

Weds 7th October LONDON 

Jeff Halper in conversation with British journalist John McCarthy

7pm John Wesley Hall, The Wesley, 81 – 103 Euston St, NW1 2EZ

See flyer Halper-Flyer-London.pdf  or book tickets here.

Thurs 8th October LONDON 

Jeff Halper in conversation with Professor Colin Green, of University College London and Ukraine National Academy of Science

7pm Khalili Theatre, SOAS University, Russell Square, WC1H 0XG

See flyer Halper-Flyer-London.pdf.

Fri 9th October – OXFORD

Public presentation and Q&A

11.30am Room 306, Main Building, Oxford Brookes University, (John Henry Brookes Building) Gipsy Lane, OX3 0BP


4pm Blackwells Bookshop, Gipsy Lane, OX3 0BP

Book signing

Sat 10th October – WORCESTER

Public presentation and Q&A

7pm St.George’s Catholic Church Hall, Sansome Walk, Worcester WR1 1UG

Contact or see the facebook group here

Sun 11th October – STOKE-ON-TRENT

Sumud Palestine Conference, Jeff Halper in conversation with Lord Mayor Jean Bowers, and MP Jeremy Lefroy

3pm – 6.30pm Equality Hall Community Centre, 77, Raymond Street, Hanley, Stoke-on- Trent, ST1 4DP


Mon 12th October – LIVERPOOL

Public presentation and Q&A

7pm The Stanley Theatre, Liverpool Guild of Students, University of Liverpool, 160 Mount Pleasant, L3 5TR

Contact or see the facebook group here

Weds 14th October – LANCASTER

Public presentation and Q&A

1pm Marcus Merriman Lecture Theatre, Lancaster University, LA1 4YW

Public presentation and Q&A

7pm Social Centre, Lancaster Cathedral, Balmoral Rd, LA1 3BT


Thurs 15th October – KENDAL

Public presentation and Q&A

7.30pm Friends Meeting House, Stramongate, LA9 4BH


Fri 16th October – GLASGOW

Public presentation and Q&A

7.30pm The Renfield Centre, 260 Bath St, G2 4JP


Sat 17th October – EDINBURGH

Public presentation and Q&A during Edinburgh World Justice Festival

2pm Augustine Church Centre, George IV Bridge, EH1 1EL


Sun 18th October – SUNDERLAND

Public presentation and Q&A

6pm Sunderland Minster, High St W, Tyne and Wear, SR1 3ET


Mon 19th October – NEWCASTLE

Public presentation and Q&A

7pm Newcastle University [Lecture Theatre 2, Ground floor, Herschel Building], NE1 7RU


Tues 20th October – YORK

Public presentation and Q&A

7.30pm Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church, Cemetary Rd, YO10 5AH


Weds 21st October – MANCHESTER

Public presentation and Q&A

6pm University of Manchester, Samuel Alexander Building, Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 9PL



Mon 26th October – DUBLIN

Public presentation and Q&A

7pm Wynn’s Hotel, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin, D1

Full info here

Book synopsis:

Modern warfare has a new form. The days of international combat are fading. So how do major world powers maintain control over their people today?

War Against the People is a disturbing insight into the new ways world powers such as the US, Israel, Britain and China forge war today. It is a subliminal war of surveillance and whitewashed terror, conducted through new, high-tech military apparatuses, designed and first used in Israel against the Palestinian population. Including hidden camera systems, sophisticated sensors, information databases on civilian activity, automated targeting systems and, in some cases, unmanned drones, it is used to control the very people the nation’s leaders profess to serve.

Drawing from years of research, as well as investigations and interviews conducted at international arms fairs, Jeff Halper reveals that this practice is much more insidious than was previously thought. As Western governments tighten the grip on their use of private information and claw back individual liberties, War Against the People is a timely reminder that fundamental human rights are being compromised for vast sections of the world, and that this is a subject that should concern everyone.

Jeff Halper is the head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). He is the author of An Israeli in Palestine (Pluto, 2008) and Obstacles to Peace (ICAHD, 2015).

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