Posted on August 1, 2006, by & filed under UK Specific.

Thanks to last July’s Summer Camp, a new Palestinian home rose from the rubble of the site where a family had lost its home to the bulldozers.

The Camp took place in the last two weeks of July. Starved of English and Hebrew language newspapers to keep abreast of the catacysmic events that were happening a hundred or so miles North and in nearby Gaza, a small but hugely significant group of Jewish Israelis, 31 internationals from 12 countries and Palestinian locals quietly worked in the West Bank to rebuild one of the the thousands of houses destroyed by the Israeli occupation forces.

“…..It looks all the more striking as this house stands now in the middle of several other piles of twisted steel and broken concrete, also previously homes that were in the past inhabited by Palestinian families. The stark brutality of the occupation and Israel’s policy of demolishing homes and driving out Palestinians is clearly revealed in this picture…”

For full reports and photos, visit (link below).