We’ve pulled together a range of films and video clips that feature the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolition’s analysis of Israel’s occupation, and the situation facing Palestinian people and their Israeli and international supporters. Please do watch and share with other audiences.

Jeff Halper detained while resisting a home demolition

Jeff Halper (director of ICAHD)is detained while tries to reach the buldozer during the demolition done by the Israeli municipality of the Hamdan family in Anata, Jerusalem.


ICAHD activists resist a demolition but the home is still demolished.

Jeff Halper of ICAHD talks about house demolitions in the context of the broader Israeli Occupation.


Al-Jazeera reports on ICAHD’s rebuilding camp

Israel has demolished more than 20,000 Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem since 1967.


Explaining the Matrix of Control

As part of ICAHD’s 2015 Rebuilding Camp, here you can see a snippet of Jeff Halper giving a tour of Jerusalem and introducting the ‘Matrix of Control’ concept.


ICAHD’s political tour of East Jerusalem

This is the tour of Jerusalem the Israeli Ministry of Tourism most definitely does not want you to take. A must see exposure of the apartheid strategy of the Israeli government to erase the Palestinian identity and presence here.


War Against the People – book trailer – part 1

Jeff Helper, head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), talks about his new book, ‘War Against the People’ – published by Pluto Press in August 2015. In this first of two short videos, Halper explores the reasons behind the reluctance of both the Israeli state and western governments to end the occupation of Palestine.


War Against the People – book trailer – part 2

Jeff Halper, head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), talks about his new book, ‘War Against the People’ – -published by Pluto Press in August 2015. In this second book trailer, Halper discusses his reasons for writing the book and provides a framework within which the activists should work to end both the occupation and the global capitalist system which perpetuates it.


Atta Jaber Family Story

ICAHD have worked with Atta Jaber and his family since they suffered their first home demolition in 1998, rebuilding two of his homes after they were destroyed by the authorities and in local arson attacks, and we wish to spread their story of peaceful resistance far and wide. In this 5 minute video you will see Atta explain his story and share disturbing home footage of attacks on his land and family by local settlers.

Atta Jaber and his family are a huge and constant inspiration for ICAHD, and we are tremendously grateful to work with such strong and dedicated people as these, who struggle to resist the occupation every day of their lives, amidst the violence of targeted demolition and harassment.


Salim Shawamreh – A & Q about his home being demolished

Salim Shawamreh speaking at Harrow Mosque about his experience of having his home demolished four times by the Israeli army


Jeff Halper talks about his arrest when he was in Maale Adumim with one of the study tours


House Demolition in Anata

On July 17, 2007, volunteers at the Summer Rebuilding Camp sponsored by ICAHD witnessed the Israeli government demolish a nearby Palestinian family’s house.

Every year the Israeli government demolishes around 300 Palestinian houses in order to expand illegal Israeli settlement construction.

This policy of settlement expansion, land confiscation, and demolition of Palestinian houses forms the biggest obstacle to peace. ICAHD is working to end these policies


ICAHD UK Webinar: Clare Short in Conversation with Jeff Halper and Awad Abdelfattah (27 May 2020)

Former Labour politician, Clare Short has worked internationally with non-governmental advocacy groups across the developing world and has had long-standing interest in Palestine/Israel. She will be conversation with Awad Abdelfattah from the Galilee and Jeff Halper from Jerusalem. Awad is a political writer and former General Secretary of the Balad political party which aims to transform the state of Israel into a democracy for all its citizens, irrespective of national or ethnic identity. Awad Abdelfattah now leads the One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC)