Read about some other locations visited during this tour

Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, the Naqab/Negev and the Jordan Valley

Photo: The mosque at the Muqaata in Ramallah next to the Yasser Arafat mausoleum


Getting in and out of Ramallah was difficult due to long queues at checkpoints however the journey was worth it to hear from key people who hosted the tour group.

Sam Bahour – businessman and entrepreneur

Palestinian American Sam Bahour is a businessman and entrepreneur who blogs at and who is a frequent commentator on Palestinians affairs. He described his passion for creating jobs for Palestinians which is not only an economic issue but is a way to resist Israel’s occupation. In addition, internationals can boost the economy by buying Palestinian products and by investing in Palestine.

Watch video here (2min 28sec)


Military Court Watch

Military Court Watch monitors the arrests of Palestinian children and has studied Israeli procedures and the military courts that it has established in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Its co-founders, Gerard Horton, lawyer, and Salwa Duaibis, researcher, hosted the group.

Gerard Horton described how MCW has documented the cases of 32,000 Palestinian children who were unlawfully transferred to Israeli courts, against international law. In this video clip Gerard addresses the risk of unravelling the rule of international law that was put in place in 1945 by being selective about when and for whom it now applies.

Watch video here (2min 30sec)


Salwa Duaibis describes how since 7th October the number of Palestinian children held in Israeli prisons has skyrocketed. lawyers: kept without charge, now with no schooling or access to lawyers; food and bedding shortages - all which has families in the West Bank extremely worried about what is happening to their children.

Watch video here (2min 30sec)