Read about some other locations visited during this tour

Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, Ramallah and the Jordan Valley

Photo: Khalil breifs the group at Hura, one of the towns that Israel created as residents of the unrecognized villages are forcibly displaced to live in such “reservations”.


Khalil Alamour hosted the tour group in the Naqab/Negev for its focus on the 35 unrecognized Bedouin villages within the state of Israel. Despite these Palestinians being citizens of the state of Israel, they are considered a menace and denied municipal services such as connection to the electrical grid, water mains or trash-pickup, and they cannot elect government representatives.

Wadi Khalil – 47 homes demolished in one day

While in Khalil’s village of Alsira, he spoke about the “black day” when 47 homes were demolished in Wadi Khalil on 8th May without the government waiting to find a compromise for the people that would allow them to keep their dignity.

Watch the video here (2 min 36 sec)

Later the tour bus stopped at the village of Wadi Khalil to enable the study tour participants to witness the scene.

Watch the video here (20 sec)