Read about some other locations visited during this tour

Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, the Naqab/Negev and Ramallah

Photo: A view of Jericho during our stop for coffee.


Near Jericho, the study tour participants met with Israeli Guy Hirshfield from Looking the Occupation in the Eye and Torat Tzedek.

Here Guy Hershfield explains his dedication to stopping the fanatical religious settlers from taking over Palestinian land in the Jordan Valley.

View video here (2 mins 30 sec)

The tour bus continued its journey up the Jordan Valley to the village of Bardala for lunch at the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign Community Centre which ICAHD and its international volunteers helped to construct. It has become an important centre for the grassroots work of the campaign.

Rasheed Khudairy calls for internationals to engage with the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign. Do things like write articles on the issues they face or work with the local women and children whom they serve.

View video here (2 mins 13 sec)

Stay in their beautiful centre in a breath-taking location.

Photo: Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign Community centre – Bardala