South African academic, writer and former member of the South African Parliament Andrew Feinstein continued his discussion with ICAHD Director Jeff Halper begun during the ICAHD UK webinar of 22 June. Andrew and Jeff delved more deeply into the parallels and differences between the current, politically deteriorating situation in Palestine/Israel and pre-liberation South African apartheid including geopolitical and economic dynamics.
This second webinar further explored ways of breaking through barriers and establishing new strategies to bypass Israel’s omnipotence, strengthening a political programme towards decolonisation, creating space for informal communication & interaction across the divide via education, economic levers including the tech industry, the international civic society including progressive younger Jews worldwide - and the common language of and passion for sport, broadening discussion to include South Africans along with Palestinians and Israelis.
In his brilliantly comprehensive book Shadow world: inside the Global Arms Trade on the mendacious privatisation of the war industry, he reveals the illicit bribes, money laundering and widescale corruption behind international weaponry deals and revolving door relationships within the US military/industrial complex. Manufacturing and trading weapons, he argues, are closely tied into the machinations of governments, militaries, intelligence agencies and crucially to political parties.
This book inspired the riveting documentary Shadow World, available on YouTube.
Andrew's other books include:
After the Party: A Personal and Political Journey Inside the ANC and an upcoming graphic novel.
Andrew is the founding director of Shadow World Investigations, formerly Corruption Watch.
Jeff Halper's book, 'War Against the People', gives a disturbing insight into the new ways world powers such as the US, Israel, Britain and China forge war today. It is a subliminal war of surveillance and whitewashed terror, conducted through new, high-tech military apparatuses, designed and first used in Israel against the Palestinian population. Including nano-technology, hidden camera systems, information databases on civilian activity, automated targeting systems and unmanned drones, it is used to control the very people the nation's leaders profess to serve.
Jeff reveals that this practice is much more insidious than was previously thought. As Western governments claw back individual liberties, War Against the People is a reminder that fundamental human rights are being compromised for vast sections of the world, and that this is a subject that should concern everyone.