"The very being of the church, the integrity of the Christian faith, and the credibility of the Gospel is at stake. We declare that support for the oppression of the Palestinian people, whether passive or active, through silence, word or deed, is a sin. We assert that Christian support for Zionism as a theology and an ideology that legitimize the right of one people to deny the human rights of another is incompatible with the Christian faith and a grave misuse of the Bible. "
(2020 Kairos Palestine: 'Cry of Hope')
Jonathan Kuttab - Executive Director, Friends of Sabeel, North America
Dr Don Wagner - Author, co-author of five books dealing with Christian Zionism and Christian history in Palestine / Israel
Rev Dr Stephen Sizer - Author, 'Christian Zionism: Road Map to Armageddon' and 'Zion's Christian Soldiers: The Bible, Israel and the Church'
Linda Ramsden - Executive Director, ICAHD UK