Posted on March 10, 2021, by & filed under ICAHD Interviews, News, One Democratic State Campaign.

Read interviews with supporters of the One Democratic State by clickling on their names below:

Awad Abdelfattah
Co-founder of the One Democratic State Campaign, former General Secretary of the Ballad party

Diana Buttu
Co-founder of the One Democratic State Campaign, former General Secretary of the Ballad party

Majd Nasrallah
former Coordinator of Tishreen Alternative Space, youth worker, researcher

Jonathan Kuttab
Leading human rights lawyer in Palestine and Israel

Nadia Naser-Najjab
Research Fellow at Exeter University, author of Dialogue in Palestine

Haidar Eid
Associate Professor, Department of English Literature, Al-Aqsa University in Gaza

Prof Mazin Qumsiyeh
Director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History and Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability.

Sari Bashi
Licensed attorney in New York and Israel; Founder and Former Director, Gisha

Ramzi Baroud
US-Palestinian journalist, media consultant, author, internationally syndicated columnist and Editor of Palestine Chronicle

Munir Nuseibah
Human rights lawyer and academic based at Al Quds University, Jerusalem

Shir Hever
Independent economic researcher, author and journalist at the Real News Network

Dr Leila Farsakh
Palestinian academic who says that working towards one democratic state is the most moral and viable option availabl

Ahmed abu Artema
Journalist and activist from Gaza

George Bisharat
Palestinian American legal scholar who calls for one state

Rula Hardal
Palestinian Israeli academic who chooses to live in the West Bank

Rifka Al-Amya
A BDS activist from Gaza and writer on women’s liberation

Palestinian grassroots activist, human rights defender and prisoner of conscience

Livnat Konopny Decleve
Who writes on the struggle to live in a democratic society

Haim Bresheeth
Founder of the Jewish Network for Palestine