Posted on October 1, 2020, by & filed under News, One Democratic State Campaign.

The ODSC is a Palestinian-led campaign for a single democracy over all of historic Palestine in which ICAHD has been involved from the start. It is a natural extension of ICAHD’s traditional position because ICAHD is a political organization working for the end of Zionist settler colonialism and the establishment an inclusive state, not merely a protest group or humanitarian NGO.

Having laid down a solid political foundation for a one-state initiative (see its website: ), the phase it is now in is to organize and get a Palestinian buy-in, since this must be a Palestinian-led campaign. To that end it has established five committees and working groups:

  • A General Assembly of all ODSC members, which is informed of its activities and whose members are invited to take an active part in their activities;
  • A Core Group of 15 of the core members (so far, it will grow), which acts as a kind of Executive Committee approving initiatives and informational materials, and whose agenda is set by a Coordinating Team;
  • A Thought Forum of intellectuals and academics that formulates the ODSC’s positions and analysis;
  • A Strategic Committee to develop a long-term ODSC strategy around agreed-upon goals;
  • An Action Group that ensures the decisions and initiatives of the organization are carried out and followed up upon;
  • A Media and Communication Team that develops and monitors our website, Facebook page (one democratic state) and other social media, as well as producing films, presentations and learning materials; and
  • A Youth Group.

The ODSC is now in the process of reaching out, first to Palestinians from all the different communities (’48, Occupied Palestine Territory, camps and the Diaspora/Exile), as well as to critical Israeli Jews. As it consolidates its base, it will then reach out to the international civil society – trade unions, universities, churches, activist organizations and the hundreds of Palestine support groups abroad – YOU. The international civil society is the Palestinians’ only genuine ally. The ODSC believes that by mobilizing the international public around a clear political program it can generate a powerful movement for the decolonization of Palestine akin to the anti-apartheid struggle.

In a time of paralyzing corona, C(c)onservative government and suffocating neoliberalism, it is invigorating to be involved in struggle, and a struggle that has global implications a well.


ICAHD’s Jeff Halper is part of the Core Group of 15 (Executive Committee), the Coordinating Team and he coordinates the Action Group.