Posted on June 3, 2020, by & filed under Events, News, Webinars.

This webinar took place soon after Israel’s expected formal annexation of great swathes of the West Bank. As well as addressing the current reality on the ground, the bigger picture of settler colonialism versus occupation will be unpacked and there will be discussion about the move towards decolonisation.

Avi Shlaim – Israeli historian, Emeritus Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford, and fellow of the British Academy. He is one of Israel's New Historians, a group of Israeli scholars who put forward critical interpretations of the history of Zionism and Israel.  Avi Shlaim is an ICAHD UK Patron.

Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian - Lawrence D. Biele Chair in Law at the Faculty of Law-Institute of Criminology and the School of Social Work and Public Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a Global Chair in Law at Queen Mary University of London. As a resident of the Old City of Jerusalem, Nadera is a prominent local activist.

Jeff Halper – Israeli anthropologist, Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). Jeff is an activist and strategist, and his next book is about settler colonialism. He is part of the steering group for the One Democratic State Campaign.