Posted on December 20, 2019, by & filed under News.

The seventeen people, from the UK, Germany and the US, who participated in the recent political study tour to Palestine/Israel, visited the new Community Centre in Bardala. Construction on it began in October 2018 during ICAHD’s building camp, with funding from the campers, our Buy a Brick campaign and a grant. Some finishing touches are still needed and in the meantime an extension at the back has begun that will provide a small kitchen and two toilets.

The November study tour group was hosted by Rasheed and Umm Ermara from the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign (JVSC). Rasheed explained the vulnerability of the residents in Area C to demolitions by Israeli authorities who want to displace them from the Jordan Valley. They also suffer from living near closed military zones, experience severe water discrimination, restrictions to movement, few employment opportunities and in general have a very harsh life. Despite these challenges the Palestinians want to stay on their land so the JCSC provides support to help strengthen the communities. During the visit, Umm Ermara provided a traditional meal for the participants and she also sold some of her homemade soap made with olive oil and scented with lavender oil.