Posted on September 4, 2017, by & filed under News.

Many have been very shocked by recent reports of demolitions of schools and school equipment just before Palestinian children return to school. This is part of an ongoing campaign to make the lives of Palestinians living in areas sought by Israel for further settlement construction untenable – clearing the way for further illegal settlements and colonisation.

Please send your MP a letter.

This week MPs return to Parliament, whilst many children in their constituencies are returning or have just returned to school. Please remind them of the terrible impact that the demolition of schools and school equipment has on children, and ask them to take action.

You can find your MP’s details here:

You can use the below letter as a template, but it is wonderful if you personalise the letter or add additional information. Make sure that you remain polite and respectful so that they respond positively to your request.

Please send a copy of your letter to your MP to and let us know if you get a reply.

Letter template on school demolitions (Word)

Letter template on school demolitions (PDF)

Make sure that you add your full name and address to the letter so the MP knows that you live in their area – they only respond to their own constituents usually.

If you would like to send this to a political representative outside the UK please do feel to adapt it – and do send us a copy!