Posted on August 24, 2012, by & filed under News, UK Specific.

Publicity photo for Still Life - Tales from the West Bank, to be performed at Greenbelt 2012

Linda Ramsden, ICAHD UK Director, and Karen Chalk, our Administrator, are both appearing “on stage” this Bank Holiday weekend in Cheltenham at the annual Greenbelt Festival.

Since 1974, Greenbelt has brought people together to explore faith, arts and justice issues. For some years the festival has occupied Cheltenham Racecourse for the weekend. Festival attendance has reached around 20,000.

ICAHD UK will have a manned stall at the festival. Linda will be giving a talk about her journey from right wing American fundamentalist Christianity to a spirituality founded on inclusion and motivated by the gospel for social justice inherent in the message of the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament. Also she will chair a workshop. Karen will be joining with another veteran of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel, Penny Stone, an award-winning songwriter, to perform their acclaimed production, Still Life – Tales from the West Bank.

Other speakers on Israel/Palesstine are appearing:

Dr Mustafa Bargouti n member of Palestinian parliament will be speaking on the rise of Palestinian non-violence

Gideon Levy n Israeli journalist writing for Haaretz newspaper, a liberal Israeli broadsheet, will be speaking on the Israeli society and the occupation

Leila Sansour n founder and CEO of Open Bethleham, film director – she directed Jeremy Hardy versus the Israeli Army.

Nader Anton Abu Amsha – Palestinian civil society activist and director of East Jerusalem YMCA rehabilitation programme