Posted on August 17, 2010, by & filed under House Demolitions.

As Jeff Halper releases a profoundly disturbing analysis about the sharp increase leading up to Ramadan of house demolitions and the all-encompassing ‘invisible yet Kafkaesque system of total control and intimidation’ of Palestinians’ existence by the Israeli machine of oppression, the UN OCHA have published their own report detailing the acceleration of demolition activity:

Follow this link for the full report (pdf file)

Watch this space for Jeff’s important analysis, which will appear on this website very soon, which starts with a description of the final obliteration of the Mamilla cemetery, an historic Muslim burial ground with graves going back to the 7th Century, and includes the worrying fact that the most Palestinian or Bedouin homes have been demolished within Israel itself in recent months. Read a report and see a video of the demolition of the Bedouin Al Arakib village for the third time in two weeks.