Posted on January 7, 2007, by & filed under News, UK Specific.

Clare Short, Jocelyn Hurndall (ICAHD UK Board), Colin Green (ICAHD UK Chair), Jeff Halper

During the last week of June, Jeff Halper, Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, visited London. While in the UK, he met with Parliamentarians from all the major parties, journalists, representatives from NGOs, people from the world of business as well as from the arts and ICAHD UK supporters. A special briefing for Conservative MPs and Peers was held in the House of Commons at the invitation of the Conservative Middle East Council, which has just been re-launched under the directorship of Laura Hutchings.


Linda Ramsden, Jeff Halper and Laura Hutchings, Director of CMEC

Jeff continued to stress the urgency of the situation in Palestine and his fear that Condoleeza Rice and Tzipi Livni will move on to Phase Two of the Roadmap during the next few months with the likelihood of the provisional Palestinian border being declared along the route of the Separation Wall, mostly inside the Green Line border from pre-1967. This will be disastrous for the Palestinians as it will make the Apartheid regime over them official. Jeff also expressed that the appointment of Tony Blair as Envoy to the Middle East could play into Bushis hands in getting the Palestinians to agree to Phase Two of the Roadmap.