Posted on March 31, 2006, by & filed under News, UK Specific.

ICAHD, The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, is extremely proud to announce that the Chair of ICAHD UK, Linda Ramsden, was the recent recipient of the Dame Sheila McKechnie Award for Conflict Resolution. The award is one of six bestowed in key fields of political campaigning (social inclusion, economic justice, conflict resolution, transport, consumer action, health and social care) by the British Sheila McKechnie Foundation, a charity that supports the next generation of campaigners. Through its awards, the Foundation gives campaigners the skills that enable them to have a greater impact through top level mentoring from people like Chancellor Gordon Brown and Broadcaster Jon Snow and Kate Allen from Amnesty International. Women won in five out of six categories. The judging panel for each category was comprised of policy specialists and senior campaigners.

iWe are delighted to announce Linda’s award in our conflict resolution category,i said Claire McMaster, the Foundation’s Chief Executive. iCampaigning is at the heart of Britain, from the Anti Apartheid movement to Make Poverty History, movements that have transformed the world have started here. Our mission will be to enable more people to change the world in which they care about deeply. Linda’s campaign for a peace settlement between the Palestinians and Israelis is battling against immense odds. We hope to give her the support she needs to make an even greater impact on this issue.i

The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP, Chancellor of Exchequer and Patron of The Sheila McKechnie Foundation, commented: iCampaigning is a central part of our democracy. For decades we have had well-established national organisations who have fought for social justice in areas like homelessness and international aid. However I want to empower grassroots activists who don’t have the backing of massive networks and paid staff.i

ICAHD places supreme importance on international advocacy for a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians. We seek engagement with political leaders but do not underestimate the importance of mobilizing civil society forces to confront, prod and move them when necessary (which is all of the time). Linda has demonstrated the rare ability to engage with and mobilize a wide variety of people, yet is able to keep channels of communication open even while confronting those in power. She is a model of an effective and substantive campaigner. We are happy that the Sheila McKechnie Foundation has recognized her talents as well, and acknowledged them. Kol Hakavod, Mabruk, Linda.